Displaying Images

All BioImage Suite web applications share components and have a similar user interface. All viewers in BioImage Suite Web can display two images:

  1. The “underlay” or “background” image — This is often the anatomical image and can be loaded and saved from the File Menu.
  2. The “overlay” or “objectmap” image — This is often a functional image or segmentation image. This can be loaded and saved from the Overlay menu.

An Application Figure 1: The Orthagonal Viewer Tool

The application consists of the following parts:

4D Images and Movie Display

4D Overlay Figure 2: An example of a 4D underlay image using a synthetic motion image.

The figure above shows the viewer displaying two images. The underlay image is a 4D image and the overlay is the average frame of the 4D image resampled to a lower resolution (for purposes of illustration). Take note of the following elements:

Image Information Figure 3: The viewer information popup from the ? button

If at any point, you are curious what images are being displayed and their characteristics, simply click on the ? button under Viewer Controls as shown in the figure above. This will provide information about both images, including names, dimensions, voxel size, and orientation. The viewer information screen can make details about the image and overlay clearer, for example, it is easy to notice that the two images in the previous two figures have different resolution from the info screen (note the different dimensions).

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This page is part of BioImage Suite Web. We gratefully acknowledge support from the NIH Brain Initiative under grant R24 MH114805 (Papademetris X. and Scheinost D. PIs, Dept. of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale School of Medicine.)